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On Scene N.I.
Fire & Rescue Photography
Sold At Auction
Bedford TK1260/Alexander WrL - TIA 9903
Sold at Wilsons Auctions.
Bedford TL1260/Alexander WrL - VIA 9763
Sold at Carryduff Auctions.
Bedford TL1260/Alexander WrL - VIA 9766
Sold at Carryduff Auctions.
Bedford TL750/Alexander PL - YIA 5142
Sold at Carryduff Auctions.
Leyland DAF 50 180 Browns - XDZ 2051
Sold at Carryduff Auctions in April 2005.
Leyland DAF 50 180 Browns - XDZ 2051
Sold at Carryduff Auctions in April 2005.
Leyland DAF 50 180 Browns - XDZ 2051
Sold at Carryduff Auctions in April 2005.
Land Rover FC109/Bates L4P - IIA 8861
Sold at Wilsons Auctions in
May 1995.
May 1995.
Freightrover 400/Alexander ESU - EDZ 2687
Sold at Carryduff Auctions on
28.05.05 for £200.
28.05.05 for £200.
Freightrover 400/Alexander ESU - EDZ 2686
Sold at Carryduff Auctions on 29.10.05 for £550.
Volvo FL408/Alexander PL - DDZ 4610
Sold at Carryduff Auctions on 29.10.05.
Freightrover 400/Alexander ESU - EDZ 2688
Sold at Carryduff Auctions on 26.11.05.
Dennis SS134/Alexander -
FDZ 8936
Sold at Carryduff Auctions on 28.01.06 for £600.
Dennis SS134/Alexander -
FDZ 8949
Sold at Carryduff Auctions on 28.01.06 for £600.
Dennis SS134/Alexander -
FDZ 8942
Sold at Carryduff Auctions on 25.02.06 for £1000.
Dennis SS134/Alexander -
JDZ 4916
Sold at Carryduff Auctions on 25.02.06.
Freightrover 400/Alexander ESU - EDZ 2689
Sold at Carryduff Auctions on 25.03.06 for £250.
Dennis SS134/Alexander -
FDZ 8946
Sold at Carryduff Auctions on 06.05.06.
Dennis SS134/Alexander -
FDZ 8948
Sold at Carryduff Auctions on 06.05.06.
Dennis SS134/Alexander -
Unknown VRN
Sold at Carryduff Auctions on 20.05.06.
Dennis SS134/Alexander -
FDZ 8935
Sold at Carryduff Auctions on 17.06.06 for £900.
Freightrover 400/Alexander ESU - GDZ 2147
Sold at Carryduff Auctions on 17.06.06 for £100.
Commer KC50 Walkthru/
Alexander - IIA 9241
Sold at Carryduff Auctions on 17.06.06 for £2400.
Freightrover 400/Alexander ESU - GDZ 2146
Sold at Carryduff Auctions in 2006.
Dennis SS237/JDC WrL - NDZ 2497
Sold at Carryduff Auctions on 28.04.07.
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